Sidra Bell’s MODULE: In poetic form

This past January, I had the opportunity to participate in MODULE (Movement Observed During Unique Laboratory Experiments), Sidra Bell’s award-winning bi-annual research laboratory, which provides seven days of intimate creative space to professional dancers. Bell’s durational practice and the movement that emerges from it eludes straightforward explanation. Instead, I accumulated key ideas and phrases throughout the week and pieced them into poetic form.

LIMINAL (Latent Intimate Manual Investigation Nourishing Anonymous Love)

your gallery eye lilts
over or under or through the utter feng
shui of (any and all) attempts at future
as you ruminate on the sensuality of a DNA strand

without the theatricality of breath, oscillations soft
en, become involute
revealing space for the teeter
within or without or between
subject and object respectfully

this softening in the crossover of ideas
brings with it a welcome dis connect
between or beside or inside
the ambiguous and the vague
specific and explicit
anonymous and impersonal

you think of it as a removal of plaque, this
spillage which knows slippage as only a distant cousin (twice removed)
as a landscape to redesign perspective
to excavate a spectrum of temperatures by degrees

Mirror begs you to process and demonstrate synchronically
compassing effervescent round modalities, round skins

doodle it says
snake, horse, elephant
enact it says

If you’re a professional dancer, I urge you to invest in yourself (mentally, physically and emotionally) by applying for MODULE21, which will take place June 22-27. If you’re not, there is an “Open Duration” session at the end of each MODULE where you can experience this unique method firsthand.


Catching up with dancemaker Sidra Bell


Legalizing dance one CONGRESS at a time